CCC Mission Trip with Hand in Hand Ministries

group-at-natural-bridge 20161016_124908 20161015_161354 20161015_112411 20161015_103045 20161015_105505 20161015_103136 20161015_141955 20161015_121714Nine CCC high school students and five adult mentors traveled to Auxier, Kentucky, on a mission trip in October.  Students served others by installing Wonderboard to help insulate a home and built a deck for a safe exit.  On the way home, students hiked at Natural Bridge to admire the wonder and beauty of Kentucky.

October 2016 Calendar

October 10—No CCC Tutoring

October 11—Student Meeting to Prepare for Auxier Mission Trip, 6:00 p.m.

October 11—CCC Parent Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

October 14-16—Mission Trip to Auxier, Kentucky

October 18—Evening Education Workshop “Effective Parenting for your Pre-Teen,” 6:00 p.m.

October 20—Brightside Service Project from 5-6 p.m.

October 31—No CCC Tutoring…Happy Halloween